Termites can destroy houses, wreak havoc on your home, and easily cost thousands of dollars or more if left untreated. Termites can be found all across the country, and there are over 40 types of species of termites, complicating the matter further.
Take into consideration these steps and measures to prevent and apply termite control as necessary:
1) Moisture filled environments are some of the most appealing to termites, in particular, subterranean termites, and there doesn’t have to necessarily be wood involved to attract them. In fact, termites often build their colonies and tunnels away from their main source or food, or in this case moisture, dirt, crumbs, or wood. Many people don’t know this but termites actually feed on the cellulose found inside most wood. So whether it’s your bathroom, living room, or attic take steps to keep environments dry to maximize termite control.
2) Wood comes in all shapes and sizes, from natural wood used to build houses to the nearby tree located outside of your home. It’s critical that you monitor the wood in or around your home, including if your home is built on a wooden foundation. Not only keeping these places clean, but also keeping them away from other (natural) wood sources like trees can also help to keep termites at bay. Always make efforts to trim back your trees and not leave wood piles stacked up too close to your home. They should be at least a good 10-15 feet away from any connecting part of your home – which termites would use as a “bridge” to invade your house.
3) Openings, holes, and wear of wood throughout a person’s home are one of the leading causes of termite infestation. It can be as easy as caulking or filling these holes or having repairs made to and around your home in keeping termites at bay. Doing so will deter the termites and make it more likely that they will search elsewhere to build their colonies and tunnels. Not only wood but any breaches, holes, and cracks throughout your home could easily serve as an entrance for termites, so keep up with your housework and also keep an eye on the condition of and keep clean your shingles.
4) Be aware of the geographic of your home, and if in doubt research and get your hands on the United States Forest Service’s map of Termite Infestation Probability (TIP) zones to maximize your understanding of the likelihood of a termite infestation. Homes in the United States that frequently suffer the most from termite infestations are those which live in rainy, moist, and wet climates such as Florida and other nearby states.
Without increased awareness, necessary home maintenance, and preventative measures termites can take over your home, and your life. In may escalate to the point in which you need a professional to apply termite control methods such as pesticides, but home repairs are often necessary too. Termite control and prevention is serious, so take care of your home, and seek professional services if in doubt.
Image credit: Mr.Smith Chetanachan